60 Days Dry Aged Stout
Evil Twin Brewing
Stratford, CT

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A Note on This Beer
Evil Twin’s founder Jeppe created today’s 60 Day Dry-Aged Stout specifically to pair with steak.
So as soon as I got my hands on one, I headed down to my favorite little butcher shop, where I plunked my can of 60 Day down on the counter and demanded beef.
I didn’t recognize the kid working that day, but he sure knew Evil Twin. “Oh man! What is that?” he said. “I love Evil Twin! But I haven’t even heard of this one…”
I tried not to look too smug while I explained how I can get beers he’s never heard of. Then I asked for a steak recommendation. He looked at me for a moment, then leaned in conspiratorially.
“I’ve got a few hanger steaks I’ve been saving. I’ll trade you one for that can of beer. Straight up.”
Hell yes!
Back at home I got to grillin’. When the steak hit medium rare, I chucked it onto a plate and grabbed a pint glass. And holy cow!
I let 90 Day’s roasty dark chocolate notes wash across my palate. Subtle nuances of coffee and a slight peppery flavor soon followed, and when I hit its bone dry finish I let it linger for a few moments. Then I took a bite of steak. And I’ll be damned if the rich flavor of the meat didn’t seem to enhance the beer just as the roasty brew seemed to elevate the beef!
It was incredible! A match made in Stout-y steak heaven!
I’m sure there are plenty of craft fiends out there who also appreciate a good cut of meat, and if you’re one of them you have to try this brew the next time you grill something. You just have to. It’s a revelation.
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