A Note on This Beer
Made with the secret Belgian Quadrupel recipe behind the most coveted beer in the world (Westvleteren’s XII), St Bernardus Abt 12 is a taste of the very best. Every Belgian Ale enthusiast needs to try this beer that’s enshrined on BeerAdvocate as the #4 Belgian Quadrupel of all time, and then try it again and again.
Over 150,000 ratings on Untappd come together to declare its gingery plum depth is the most loved in the world with a score of 4.09.
Abt. 12 pours a hazy reddish-brown with a two-finger thick ivory-colored head. Radiating with rich toffee, caramel malt, brown sugar, dark fruit, gentle spice and boozy aromas fill the room. Fig and cherry fruit flavors lead into sweet, sugary malt flavors. Belgian yeast notes come into play later and become more pronounced as the beer warms. Clove and other spice flavors, along with a gentle booziness and flavors of candied sugar, shine in a finish that lasts half a day.
Luxury incarnate, this is the subtly spicy intriguing brew we break out each year at our Tavour holiday parties. Save a couple to astound your guests with a top quality Belgian all the way to next year!
#4 Quadrupel on BeerAdvocate, 4.09 on Untappd
145 Ratings