Angry Santa
Rahr & Sons Brewing Company
Fort Worth, TX

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A Note on This Beer
There’s a reason Saint Nicholas left the sainthood and became Santa Claus - he realized he’s got a hard gig and it’s not easy to remain cheerful when you’re fighting deadlines and hypothermia. Not to mention reindeer are union.
Rahr & Sons’ to the rescue! Their Angry Santa Winter Warmer will keep Santa in line and save Christmas for everyone. It’s also a crowd favorite that will put a shot of mischief into any work holiday party or family gathering. Even if it’s just you and a can, you’ll still crack a smile. And this is all before you taste the beer, so let’s talk about that.
Rather than following a brewing recipe, Rahr & Sons punched up this Dark Ale with actual cookie spices and sweet ingredients. The best way to break down this brew is in three holiday “festive” stages:
Naughty - It’s got a delightfully silky, yet naughty 8% ABV that will sneak up on you before you can say “Jingle bells, Batman smells.”
Nice - Additions of real honey and fresh vanilla beans sweeten the deal and balance the roastiness of this lump-o-coal hued sipper.
Spice - Rahr, aka Santa, broke into the spice rack to gather cinnamon, clove, allspice, and nutmeg to zinger up this hearty brew into liquid Pfeffernüsse cookies.
With these three forces combined, Angry Santa is a choco-boozy sleighride through a Dark Beer Wonderland. Whether Santa is real or not is up for debate, but we’re pretty sure he’d need a six-pack of this boozy creation to kick back after hauling gifts to ungrateful kids with no sleep.
Packaged On October 25th, 2018
274 Ratings