A Note on This Beer
The first thing you’ll see when visiting Windmill Brewing’s website are the words “Beer. Reformed.”
It takes a beer like today’s Oatmeal Stout — aged in Brandy AND Bourbon Barrels — to realize exactly what these Indiana brewers mean!
That’s the kind of barrel aging you just don’t see every day, and it’s just the tip of the innovation iceberg. Additions of cinnamon and maple weave sweet whispers throughout the oaky molasses notes from the barrels. Altogether, the unique recipe imparts a feeling of dining on cinnamon and brown sugar-dusted French toast and washing it down with an Old Fashioned cocktail.
While each sip may not actually taste that boozy, know this: the whole thing’s wrapped in a thick ‘n chewy body with a sky-high 13.5% ABV!
Mouth watering yet? That’s perfectly normal. What’s not normal is seeing this special sipper outside of the Midwest!