Bâtisserie Chocolate Raspberry Tart
Energy City Brewing
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A Note on This Beer
The last time I treated myself to some sweets from a fancy bakery, I got raspberry creme all over my favorite pair of jeans. Lets just say, their dainty to-go box couldn’t contain the obscene amount of pastries I ordered!
Despite my previous run-in with those treacherous baked goods, I feel like a winner today. ‘Cause I discovered Energy City’s latest addition to their 4+ UT-rated Bâtisserie Imperial Pastry Stout series. It tastes just like my favorite, luxuriously rich chocolate raspberry tart — without the sticky mess!
The brewers pack Bâtisserie Chocolate Raspberry Tart Imperial Stout with loads of drippy raspberries and succulent baker’s chocolate until it swells with bold dessert flavors. Sip after decadent sip, lush surges of vivacious berries balance against waves of cocoa nibs.
Illinois sweet-tooths on Untappd and BeerAdvocate have called this brew “delicious” more times than I can count the number of pastries I ordered.
And, with a few cans of this 8% ABV delicacy, I’ll never be a messy, sticky, treat-eater ever again (or, less often, at least)!
Rated 4.27 on Untappd!
*The brew experts at PorchDrinking.com say it best: “If you’re purchasing beer somewhere and see an Energy City Brewing can available, do yourself a favor and grab it.”