Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales
Denver, CO

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A Note on This Beer
In the know berry fans understand there’s a pecking order when it comes to desserts. Fruity cakes are good. Pies are better. But, if you’ve ever had homemade berry cobbler, you’ll back me up when I say that it’s on a level all its own.
The best one I ever tasted was made by my wife on my birthday, a few years ago. She tracked down local raspberries from the farmers’ market and picked fresh Italian plums from the tree in our backyard. I
It absolutely gushed with tangy, jammy fruit! My first bite was a bit salty, but only because a tear of joy dripped onto my spoon as I brought it to my lips.
The award-winning Sour specialists at Black Project completely captured this lavish, real fruit experience in today’s BLINDER.
This brewery never ceases to amaze me with their ability to deliver freshly picked fruit flavor backed by spontaneously fermented funk.
Don’t sleep on today’s ripe berry bonanza — there are less than 40 cases available, so spending time thinking about it isn’t really an option.
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