Bourbon Barrel Aged Gingerbread Stout (2020)
Hardywood Park Craft Brewery
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Has a good gingerbread flavor, not overly boozy.
Not getting the bourbon in this at all
A bit big on ginger.
Tasted just like a gingerbread loved it didn’t taste like a 11.5%
Basically the same as it's little brother but with a bit of bourbon too give it slightly more character. Decent, but definitely not anything special by any means
Very tasty for what it is, and if you like gingerbread you’ll love this. But not as balanced as I’d like.
Slightly better then the normal version but still not a fan of this
This was just SO DAMN GOOD. Everything you want in a BBA stout mixed with a gingerbread cookie. Just *chefs kiss*
Great tasting stout
Loved this one
Perfection. Favored over the non-BA variety. Let this one age for a year, and pleasantly surprised at how smooth it was still.
look: 4.25 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4.25
2020 vintage, 11.5% ABV
Poured from a 750ml bottle into a snifter.
Look- Black, opaque, medium brown frothy head, slightly above average head retention, above average lacing.
Smell- Bourbon, ginger, vanilla, cinnamon, medium strength of scent.
Taste- Ginger, bourbon, vanilla, cinnamon, medium strength of flavor.
Feel- Between thin and medium body, silky, average carbonation, moderately mouth warming, mildly prickly.
Overall- Black in color with slightly above average head retention and above average lacing. The bouquet was pleasant and medium in strength with notes of bourbon, ginger, vanilla and cinnamon. The flavors were medium in strength and melded well together for a delicious taste. The body was thinner than expected with a silkiness from lactose. It had a nice mouth warming property, but was mildly prickly. I think this beer would have benefited from longer aging in the bourbon barrels to add a little extra bourbon character while also smoothing the feel out. This beer was still an enjoyable drinking experience that tasted like the holiday’s.
the molasses and ginger come through amazing, and the barrel adds a perfect rounding out.