Braxton Labs Cherry Turnover
Braxton Brewing Company
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A Note on This Beer
When I studied abroad in Germany, one of the first things on my to-do list was to try a Berliner.
This legendary pastry is like a jelly donut on steroids. Locals and tourists alike love the taste of this sweet, deep-fried dough ball covered in sugar and filled with fruit jam. Biting into it is like enjoying a doughy, fruit-filled Beignet.
So when I heard that Braxton Brewing Co. was releasing a Cherry Turnover Berliner Weisse, I squealed like a little kid in a pastry shop.
Braxton Labs: Cherry Turnover is better than any sugar fix you’ll find in a bakery. The pastry chefs at Braxton fermented this finger-licking brew with a mix of sweet and tart cherry purées. Then, they conditioned it on vanilla beans and ground cinnamon. Each sip is a burst of mouth-watering fruit flavor, with a scrumptious pastry crust finish.
When Braxton first released Cherry Turnover last year, locals couldn’t get enough of this succulent brew, declaring that it “legit tastes like pie.”
Today, you can be one of the first outside of Braxton’s Kentucky taproom to try the 2020 release! Satisfy your sweet tooth, and get a little buzz while you’re at it! Germans would definitely approve.
*Braxton won two Gold Medals at the Alltech Commonwealth Craft Beer Cup!