Braxton Labs Uncanny Valley
Braxton Brewing Company
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A Note on This Beer
To craft today’s deliciously complex Fruited IPA, Braxton Brewing went all-out with a laborious, 4-step brewing process. Each step builds a new layer of nuanced flavor, with real fruit, hops, and even coconut oolong tea!
Here are all the tasty details behind today’s unique brew:
1) First, the Braxton brewers pour Mosaic and Cashmere Hops into the whirlpool for bursting berry, ripe melon, candied orange, and sweet peach aroma and flavor.
2) Each batch gets a “massive Mosaic dry-hopping” to build explosive expressions of sweet berry and tropical kush character.
3) The brewers then re-ferment it with real peach and apricots. This transforms the brew from standard IPA to glowing, fruited haze nectar. It’s laden with so much late-summer juice, you almost expect to hear the buzzing of busy bees when you crack the can!
4) For the final, Rising Star* touch, they condition the entire batch on coconut oolong black tea for a hint of creamy, tropical island herbaceousness.
It’s like 6.5% ABV Thai iced tea infused with a cloudy, citrusy haziness, topped off with peach and apricot nectar for a touch of real-fruit sweetness!
Every sip is incredibly refreshing, and it’s certainly the type of innovative IPA you’ll need a couple cans of to fully explore. It’s the type of adventurous brew we’ve come to expect from these Brewbound Rising Star Award winners!
Packaged On May 6th, 2021