Breakfast Stout
Founders Brewing Co.

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It’s rated 4.18 on Untappd with over 200,000 ratings!
The Beer Advocate Bros say it’sQuite possibly one of the most interesting American Double Stouts on planet Earth. Absolutely delicious.
That controversial baby
If you’re yelling Founders Brewing Imperial Breakfast Stout into your screen right now, then man, you’re spot on! This is the beer that practically built the Michigan craft beer scene and made Founders a household name. And let’s not forget the four graphic words printed on the label: Double Chocolate Coffee Oatmeal - enough said.
Fans across the map praise this beer’s notorious fudge flavor. Visit beer forums and you’ll see some say Breakfast Stout is their entire world. Most likely they’re being metaphorical, but one sip of its Kona vanilla espresso flavors spliced with smoked-chocolate chip cookie madness and it’s hard to remember there’s a world at all. Of course, the noticeable 8.3% ABV helps drown everything out.
If it hasn’t become clear yet, Founders Imperial Breakfast Stout is a must-try for dark beer fans; it’s a massive part of the craft beer community. Even the label has a loyal following. Fan outcry was ear splitting when the brewery was forced to remove the infamous bibbed-baby for legal reasons. After receiving over 1,800 pleas for his return, the good baby has been restored to its rightful place. Get up close and personal for a look see when you gift yourself the taste of this delicious community treasure.
Rated 4.51 on Beer Advocate and 4.18 on Untapped!
330093 Ratings