Caballo Blanco
Martin House Brewing Company
Forth Worth, TX

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A Note on This Beer
Today we’ve got something so unusual that we can pretty much guarantee you’ve never had anything like it: Caballo Blanco Creamy Horchata Ale from Martin House Brewing!
In case you don’t know, Horchata is a light and refreshing beverage made of water, rice, and cream, and flavored with cinnamon and a little sugar. Kinda like a traditional Mexican milkshake. Martin House set out to recreate this easy drinking refreshment in beer from, and man did they ever nail it!
If you’re the kind of craft fan who loves discovering new tastes and new experiences in beer, you’re gonna want to check this one out. Just don’t hesitate, because this brew ain’t leavin’ Texas except by way of Tavour. This is your one and only chance at it.
To create Caballo Blanco, the US Open Beer Championship Medalists at Martin House brewed an ultra-crisp base beer with lots of flaked rice for an incredibly light and clean mouthfeel. Then they crammed it full of the lightly spicy flavors of Mexican Horchata!
Creamy vanilla meanders across the palate from the moment you take a sip, mingling with bright cinnamon. Lactose in the brew provides a pillow-soft mouthfeel that completely hides the 7.4% ABV.
But according to the brewers, it’s all about the flaked rice. It makes the beer so crisp that it seems to sparkle on the tongue.
Real craft fiends don’t shy away from unusual brews. Hell, if we wanted normal we’d grab a sixer at 7-11. But screw that. We want the new and the unusual. We want things we’ve never tasted before. And with Caballo Blanco, Martin House is giving us just that.
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Tavour strictly supports independent beer. Martin House Brewing is certified independent by the Brewers Association
Packaged On March 22nd, 2019
183 Ratings