Cache Flow: Blackberry
Taxman Brewing Company
Bargersville, IN

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A Note on This Beer
In the small town of Bargersville, Indiana, GABF award-winning Taxman is brewing and blending with a careful eye on detail. They draw on their expertise and add 25 lbs of blackberries per barrel to create Cache Flow Blackberry Sour Ale.
As part of their small-batch Reserve Cellar series, only 125 cases of this tart, oaky sipper were made -- and outside their taproom Tavour is the only place you’re going to find it.
Taxman imparts a vinous, woody character on Cache Flow by aging it in French Oak white wine barrels, calling to mind a finely crafted Lambic. They blend a more mature ale that’s aged up to 15 months with a younger, brighter vintage. Then they add their cache of blackberries, highlighting the sourness of wild cultures and delivering a natural fruity tartness. Cache Flow finishes dry with hints of wine-like berries and oak spice like a refreshing blackberry Sangria.
With Cache Flow, Taxman forgoes the American Sour trend of enamel-stripping acidity -- instead they take inspiration from the original Sour crafters: the Belgians. Have your non-Sour loving friend take a sip and watch their bracing grimace transform into delighted surprise. But be sure to save enough for yourself, because it won’t be emerging from Taxman’s cellar again anytime soon.
*Enjoy Cache Flow fresh or cellar up to 6 months to bring out more fruity tartness from the wild cultures.
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