Cactus Wins the Lottery
Ex Novo Brewing
Portland, OR

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A Note on This Beer
When Oregon’s Ex Novo announced they were bringing back their mouth-watering, refreshingly tart Cactus Wins the Lottery Sour Ale, craft fans everywhere could barely contain their excitement:
“FINALLY!!!! My love and I will be reunited soon!.”
This isn’t the first time these Oregon Beer Award-winners have sent fans into a tizzy.
For nearly six years, Ex Novo has been climbing the ranks of Portland craft scene, even earning the praise of NW Travel Mag who called the brewery a “class all their own.”
And that’s in a region dominated by Sour masters like Cascade, de Garde, and Great Notion!
But outside of a few lucky joints out West, Ex Novo’s impressive catalog of brews is pretty much impossible to find. In fact, Ex Novo’s potent palate-quenchers are in such high demand, the last time we got our hands on this delicately tart brew, it completely sold out in less than 72 hours!
So yeah, getting your hands on a can will kinda feel like winning the lottery… the delicious beer lottery, that is.
In fact, take a sip of today’s beer — brewed with a massive 10lbs of prickly pear puree in every barrel — and I’ll bet even you’ll raise a glass and bust out your own “Yee-haw!”
Pop the top on this can of fruity goodness and aromas of tart berries rise to greet your nostrils. Take a sip and its like sippin’ on a liquified Jolly Rancher — waves of crisp watermelon, tangy green apple, and a final hint of tart passionfruit crash onto the tastebuds. And with an easygoing 4.2% ABV, you’ll want to dive in again, and again.
Considering Cactus Wins the Lottery’s light and fruity profile only makes an appearance once a year, I don’t expect our Sour-sippin’ members will let these cans hang around long.
So, I guess you have one last question to ask yourself, “Do you feel lucky, craft fan? Do ya?”
Packaged On August 30th, 2019
292 Ratings