Chocolate Milk Stout W/ Coffee
Boxing Bear Brewing Company
Albuquerque, NM

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A Note on This Beer
Clocking in at 4.25 on Untappd and only available in New Mexico, Boxing Bear’s Coffee Chocolate Milk Stout should be called “Mocha Bomb” -- because BOOM! It’s infused with real cacao nibs, creamy lactose, and cold brewed with chocolatey Ethiopian coffee for an easy-drinking fudgesicle experience.
A take on the brewery’s GABF Gold and World Cup winning Chocolate Milk Stout, this beer will make you wake up and smell the robust roastiness. The infusion of cacao nibs and cold brew coffee is like a one-two combo of super chocolatey depths. Like a Mocha Frappuccino, the lactose brings a silky sweetness that delivers a creamy attitude on the finish. How smooth? THAT smooth.
New Mexico’s got it all, man. Breaking Bad, Roswell, and one of the most sought after, trade-worthy Milk Stouts with Boxing Bear’s Chocolate Milk Stout. We’re sure this highly rated coffee edition will soon join the list. The only thing I wish I had right now is a scoop of ice cream, ‘cause blending this beer with it would make the ultimate shake of dark beer dreams.
Rated 4.25 on Untappd
Only available in New Mexico and through Tavour
214 Ratings