Chopping Wood - Mexican Lager
Mountains Walking Brewery
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About This Beer
You’ve ordered a red sauce and guacamole-smothered carne asada burrito the size of your face. The smell of roasted chili peppers and charred meat makes your mouth water.
Now, it’s time to crack the tab on a frosty cold can of this Mexican Lager to REALLY begin your tasting adventure.
The light crackery aromas of Perle, Tettnanger, and Spalt Spalter Hops complement the dish’s slightly smoky, savory flavors while corn and barley in the base provide a pillowy soft and sweet accompaniment.
Tasting Notes
Light crackery aromas open with each straw-pale pour. A corn and barley foundation meld together for a subtly sweet sip with a sublimely soft mouthfeel that makes each swig beyond thirst-quenching. The refreshingly snappy finish begs another taste.