A Note on This Beer
Once trees are draped in bright lights and glittery snowflakes decorate the stores, beer lovers around the globe run to their local bottle shops. They huddle around, all eagerly peering through windows like kids, trying to score a peek.
Except they aren’t looking for toys, of course.
They are on high-alert to spot today’s 10% ABV Christmas Ale from Brouwerij St. Bernardus!
Ask any beer fan who’s been around, and they’ll tell you — it isn’t officially the festive season until you’re drinking this 2x World Beer Award-winning pour.
In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if some fans take their kids to sit on Santa’s lap and ask, “Will you please bring my Daddy a few bottles of St. Bernardus Christmas Ale this year? He’s been really good and even mowed the lawn and tried to help with my math homework.”
He sounds like a nice list candidate to me! That guy totally earned one of the Top 15 Quads in the World on BeerAdvocate!
Brewed in the Abbey-style using St. Bernardus’ house yeast, aromas of sweet dates, candied raisins, and warm caramel waft up from the glass. The first sip brings hints of chewy molasses and spiced clove. Notes of vanilla and cinnamon add subtle warmth and smoothness, giving this complex sipper a light and clean finish.
So whether you want to dive head-first into the festive season yourself or you’re searching for a special gift for the deserving craft fan in your life, this brew is the ultimate way to say “congrats, you’ve made my nice list.”
Lucky you.
Rated 94/100 on BeerAdvocate
494 Ratings