Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales
Denver, CO

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A Note on This Beer
There’s a cache of top-secret Wild Ale weapons of mass-thirst-destruction in Denver. It’s tucked away from public view, under the watchful guard of Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales.
These are no amateurs we’re dealing with — the GABF award-winning crew is on every craft watchlist from Food & Wine’s 25 Essential Colorado Breweries to Craft Beer & Brewing’s Top Breweries of the Year.
Your mission today is to infiltrate the front lines and secure Black Project’s latest fruit punch thirst-quencher: DAGGER.
The crafty masterminds at Black Project developed this juicy-tart by combining second-use blackberry, peach, and raspberry fruit purées taken from entirely separate yet equally fruit-loaded brews. Then, they topped the loot with different base beers and began refermentation, leading to an extraordinary Wild Ale with a balance of soft fruit and heavy funk.
Passionfruit leads the fruity platoon with aromas of drippy, tropical nectar. The pulpy-thick liquid swims with notes of jammy blackberries and sweet stone fruit that give way to a refreshingly dry finish.
Normally, access to BP brews like DAGGER requires high-level clearance — their secret club of AGENTS were the only ones to lay eyes on their previous bottle release, while the thirsty locals were left with nothing.
It is your duty to grab what bottles you can of today’s 4.28 UT-rated sipper and savor them to the fullest extent possible.
Take extra care in your mission — if you’re quick enough to grab a bottle from Tavour’s extremely limited stash in time, you’ll be among a very small and fortunate group of elites to ever get a taste of Dagger.
Rated 4.28 on Untappd
180 Ratings