Devil Over A Barrel
Tyranena Brewing Company
Lake Mills, WI

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A Note on This Beer
Ten years ago, Tyranena Brewing’s Devil Over A Barrel - Barrel-Aged Imperial Oatmeal Porter hit #1 on BeerAdvocate’s “Top Buzzed About Beers.” And this barrel-aged talent is still on top, beating out Founders, Deschutes and Evil Twin!
Still ranked among the best of its style with a 4.29 on BeerAdvocate, Dark Beer heads can’t seem to ever get enough of this Devil. Just listen to some of fan-fed tasting notes:
“Deep black pour, one finger of light brown head. Retention and lacing are good for the style. Aroma is a nice combination of bourbon, oak, dark roast coffee.” - @bsiegs
“Fresh coffee mixes with dark chocolate malt up front, producing flavors of mocha fudge brownie, black licorice, and smoky malt. The barrel presence is subtle, but does show up near the finish, providing notes of oak, vanilla & caramel.” - @treyliff
Wow, it’s hard to believe it’s been a decade since Tyranena first put this beloved beer in a barrel and the fans continue to rally behind it. Even with so many high caliber oatmeal-powered Dark Beers in the running -- Devil Over a Barrel remains one of the top ranked of its kind.
158 Ratings