Even More Coco Jesus (2018)
Evil Twin Brewing
Stratford, CT

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A Note on This Beer
It’s no secret that I’m bonkers for Evil Twin. Every time we get a new beer from their circus of brewing insanity, I end up with a fridge full of it for my own personal drinking pleasure.
And after tasting today’s Even More Coco Jesus, I’m having to exercise every ounce of self-control to avoid filling my basement with cases of the stuff. Because as much as I would LOVE to have enough bottles to get me through the impending winter, this Stout is just too good NOT to share with all of you!
Brewed with loads of delectable real maple syrup on top of a roasty, chocolate malt base, Even More Coco Jesus drinks like some kind of maple-chocolate donut sprinkled with coconut shavings!
Except I’ve never heard of a donut with a massive 12% ABV!
This one is for all the maple-mad dessert drinkers AND the coconut-crushing craft fiends! In fact, if you like huge, thick, desserty Stouts of any kind, you gotta try this stuff!
It’s got an outstanding 93/100 on BeerAdvocate, where dessert brew fans are calling it “a flavor bomb of a Stout that would make most Stouts quake in fear,” and “simply one of the best beers I’ve had.”
Just be careful taking this maple-chocolate booze bomb to a party — Stout fans can spot an Evil Twin label from a mile away, and once they know you’ve got this can, they won’t leave you alone until they’ve had a taste.
Rated 93/100 on BeerAdvocate; 4.03 on Untappd
175 Ratings