Everlasting Farm - Lilac & Strawberry
Orono Brewing Company
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A Note on This Beer
What could be more relaxing than eating plump, hand-picked strawberries beneath the shade of a lilac tree on a summer evening?
Enjoying those flavors in a refreshing mixed-culture Saison!
Today, you can bask in the deliciousness of Everlasting Farm - Lilac & Strawberry from Orono Brewing, and let the stress of the day evaporate like the dew on your front lawn.
The brewers aged this effervescent sipper in oak barrels for 8 months. Then, they aged it for an additional 5 months in stainless steel with fresh strawberries and locally foraged lilac blossoms.
It pours a beautiful shade of golden bronze, with huge aromas of ripe strawberries. Soft floral notes from the lilacs rise up as you sip it, along with whispers of tart raspberry and doughy French bread.
So, go ahead — treat yourself to a bottle while you watch the sun set slowly over the horizon. With this elegant brew in hand, the only moment that exists is right now.