Fantastic Voyage
Perennial Artisan Ales
St. Louis, MO

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A Note on This Beer
Perennial Artisan Ales dials in rich flavors of hand-dipped chocolate macaroons with a boozy 8.8% ABV in their Fantastic Voyage Milk Stout, sending Untappd users into a frenzy, rating it a sky-high 4.21. The St. Louis Dark Beer masters behind the legendary Abraxas, Perennial is perfectly suited to bring us a silky decadent dessert beer featuring sweet cocoa-dusted coconuts.
If you shook a coconut tree and sent the fruits plunging into a pool of sweet chocolate fudge, then dove in with your mouth open, you’d experience the same flood of flavor as Fantastic Voyage.
Aromas of slow-roasting coconut flakes rise from a jet black pour. Each sip brings wave after wave of melting milk chocolate swirling through smooth coconut mousse. A flash of vanilla and brown sugar add a sweet caramel-like highlight to notes of luxuriant chocolate ganache. The addition of lactose sugar gives Fantastic Voyage a creamy mouthfeel and a sweetness that rivals your favorite coconut-spiked chocolate liqueur.
So, take it easy in your coziest fireside chair and prepare to dive into a luxuriant flavor pool of silky, chocolatey, coconutty depth. You may even be tempted to sneak a little into your after-dinner cup of coffee.
4.21 on Untappd
10701 Ratings