Fire Dome
Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales
Denver, CO

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A Note on This Beer
Of all the domes I know — the Houston SuperDome, the Taj Mahal, the U.S. Capitol building — today’s Fire Dome is easily the most delicious.
Probably because it’s the only one made with sweet cherries and tropical mangoes!
And it comes from Black Project Spontaneous and Wild Ales, one of Food and Wine’s Essential Colorado Breweries. Normally their beers don’t even leave Denver, let alone cross state lines, but we’ve smuggled out a little stash of today’s tropically tart creation so you can snag a taste!
And if you’re into fruity Sour Ales, you definitely want a sip of this nectar. It tastes like something a linen-clad waiter would deliver as you lounge on a white sandy beach. You might even be tempted to put one of those little paper umbrellas in it. And you should!
Because you probably can’t go on vacation right now. That trip to India to see the dome of the Taj Mahal will have to wait. But Fire Dome? We can bring that right to your door.
Then, you can kick back and sip up its flavors of bright lemon zest, fresh mango, and sweet, red cherry as your mind drifts away on a warm ocean breeze.
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