A Note on This Beer
How did Transient Artisan Ales become a “Breakout Brewery?”
Craft Beer & Brewing says it's because they “use simple recipes and barrel fermentation to create beers that are works of art.”
You can taste precisely what CB&B is talking about in today’s Foeder Lagger.
To make it, the brewery uses Noble Hops and a stripped-down German malt bill from a traditional Helles Lager. Then, they develop deep notes of vanilla-almond and spiced oak by aging it in a foeder.
A foeder is a massive oak barrel that is especially handy in artisanal lagering because it delivers flavor complexity from the wood. It also provides the Lager yeast with a vast playground of space to mature in — as experienced brewers will tell you, space is a Lager’s best friend!
Here’s your chance to taste a Lager that breaks out beyond the typical flavor boundaries of its style.