FSB 2018
Fair State Brewing Cooperative
Minneapolis, MN

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A Note on This Beer
Sipping today’s one time only, 13.9% ABV Imperial Pastry Stout feels like a taste of privilege. And knowing that most Dark Beer fiends will never experience it is a pretty sweet feeling too.
So get ready — this is the only chance to experience Fair State’s deliciously experimental FSB 2018 Anniversary Imperial Stout. While many breweries stick to the same recipe every year, Fair State creates something exciting and drastically different for each anniversary.
For FSB 2018 they blend orange zest with vanilla, and add 2x more oats than they’ve ever used before. The result is a chocolatey, sweet-n-boozy dessert beer with a twist of citrus —- and its mouthfeel is thicker than any Stout they’ve ever made!
Dark Beer disciples are praising FSB 2018 for matching the decadent intensity of the most sought after Stout-tradebait in the country. They’re calling out UT’s 4.26 rated FSB 2018 as boozier, thicker, and richer in flavor than Surly’s famed Darkness.
The icing on the cake? Fair State’s head brewer came from Surly. So in-the-know craft fans weren’t surprised to see the young brewery named City Pages’ 2018 Best Brewery in the Twin Cities and Thrillist’s Best Brewery in Minnesota.
This is one of those beers you’ll remember when you look back at everything you’ve tasted this year. It’s also one of those beers that will make your Dark Beer buddies jealous, because if you don’t share, then hearing you rave about it is as close to FSB as they’ll get.
Rated 4.26 on Untappd
Packaged On December 7th, 2018
101 Ratings