Hopworks Organic IPA
Hopworks Urban Brewery
Portland, OR

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A Note on This Beer
Built from an old Tractor showroom with bike parking for 60, Hopworks Urban Brewery (HUB) is one of the most iconic beer establishments of Portland, OR.
But HUB stands out for more than just their ambiance, they’re one of the most decorated of Portland's brewpubs and renowned for their flagship IPA.
HUB’s IPA won World Beer Cup Gold and GABF Bronze. With 75 IBUs and five kinds of hops that push toward the bitter side of balance, HUB IPA is a must try Pacific Northwest IPA. Crisp and bursting with the freshest organic hops and malts, it is a pillar of the Portland beer scene.
Brilliant gold with bright long lasting foam, HUB IPA shines like a lantern. Deep savory hops resonate upward with hints of pine, caramel, and grapefruit pulp. Dip into it and enjoy an evening-full of smooth, shimmering orange hay hops and bready malts in a single gulp. Unsweetened grapefruit and spearmint tickle all the way down. Light carbonation steps aside as silky resin leaves its calling card.
A stop at HUB is a necessary part of any IPA tour of the Pacific Northwest. Their masterful IPA stands out as exceptional in one of America’s finest beer cities. Unable to make it to Portland? Crack open a tall boy of HUB IPA and you’ll experience world class hops fit for any serious beer fan.
Exclusive to Tavour in AZ - with a 92 on Beer Advocate - 100 from the Bros!
Sold in 2-PACKS and 4-PACKS of 16oz cans.
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