I Always Felt Closer to IPAs Than I Did to People
Evil Twin Brewing
Stratford, CT

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A Note on This Beer
Evil Twin’s head brewer Jeppe is a bit of a legend. Even before he brewed a beer with actual money in it, his arsenal of wacky brews was a “must try” for any serious craft fan.
When he’s not busy famously debating craft fans on social media or being called one of the 5 Gypsy Brewers Changing The World of Craft Beer by Paste Magazine, he’s dreaming up over-the-top brews with equally over-the-top names.
Like today’s I Always Felt Closer To IPAs Than I Did To People DDH Double IPA.
Yeah, the name is kind of a mouthful, and in my experience, sitting around knocking back a few IPAs has always brought me closer to my friends. And with the amount of flavor packed into this 7.5% ABV brew, I expect sharing a can or two of this juicy sipper with your buds will make you the best of friends.
Jeppe proclaims this beer is “by far the most hopped beer we’ve ever done,” and after getting a taste of its heavy dose of Citra, Amarillo, Simcoe, and Galaxy Hops, we damn well believe it.
A flurry of tropical fruit, bright citrus, and earthy aromas erupt from the burnt orange pour. Waves of juicy passionfruit crash onto the palate and give way to bursts of tangy lime and sweet melon. Notes of orange zest and resinous pine appear on the finish, striking a balance between the big fruit flavors and nuanced hop bitterness. Double dry-hopping this bad boy delivers a thick and sticky mouthfeel that completely masks the ABV in a whirlpool of hop juice.
Make sure to snag a few extra cans, spend an afternoon knockin’ a few back with your best buddy. The story of that day he got so sloshed and got into a Twitter debate with a Danish brewer named Jeppe will make for a great toast at his wedding one day.
Rated 4.16 on BeerAdvocate; 4.08 on Tavour; 4.00 on Untappd
Packaged On March 27th, 2019
494 Ratings