I Love You With My Stout
Evil Twin Brewing
Stratford, CT

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A Note on This Beer
Evil Twin’s headbrewer openly boasts that the smoky silk-chocolatey Even More Jesus Imperial Stout is his favorite brew they make, and the craft beer community agrees -- they’ve given it a walloping 4.25/5 on BeerAdvocate. So what’s a brewer to do once he’s created his pièce de ré·sis·tance? Clone it, and pack it with even more robust flavors!
According to Evil Twin, I Love You With My Stout is a straight copy of Even More Jesus. But we’ve tasted it, and we’re not so sure we believe them. Unsure if it’s even possible, I Love You With My Stout might be even more complex and full of thick fudgy chocolate-covered dark fruits than the original.
It still pours black as night-time like in a cartoon when the characters shut their eyes. It still fills the nose with intoxicating mocha aromas. But I Love You With My Stout is even more indulgent with sweet and smoky notes of chocolate-covered bacon doughnuts.
Sorry Evil Twin, we’re not buying it, this is no clone. Our theory is that the headbrewer ended up with an Imperial Stout that he loves even more than Even More Jesus but he refuses to admitI Love You With My Stout has stolen his heart.
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