Imperial Mexican Biscotti Cake Break
Evil Twin Brewing
Stratford, CT

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A Note on This Beer
Today you can have your cake and drink it too. Heck, you can even have a side of biscotti to go with it. Two of the top rated dessert beers in the world Westbrook’s Mexican Cake and EvilTwin’s Imperial Biscotti Break just brought back their 10.5% ABV heavenly dessert collab: Imperial Mexican Biscotti Cake Break.
Tuck in your bibs and get ready for this multi-course dessert in a glass. It’s brewed with roasty real coffee beans, swirls of cinnamon spice, nutty almonds, bittersweet cocoa nibs, vanilla and a kick of habanero.
Devil’s food cake darkness supports frothy cappuccino foam. Cinnamon and chilies punctuate sweet notes of almond brittle and stone ground Oaxacan chocolate. An espresso milkshake start with fresh vanilla brightness before bittersweet java notes begin to cast savory shade. A brief flash of heat and pepper fruitiness excites the mouth before it tails into full cacao abandon.
With the power of two world-class rated liquid confections (Imperial Biscotti Break a 4.35 and Westbrook Mexican Cake 4.40 on BeerAdvocate) the only way you could top this thick, rich Imperial Biscotti Cake Break is with a scoop of ice cream creating a beer float (try it, it’s delicious).
Rated 4.26 on BeerAdvocate,4.20 on Untappd
262 Ratings