Island Crusher (Dry-Hopped Sour)
Urban Family Brewing
Seattle, WA

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A Note on This Beer
Urban Family Brewing Co. captures a tropical vacation in a bottle with their pineapple and fruity hop-infused Island Crusher Sour Ale-- so now you don’t have to fly to Hawaii to get your sunshine fix.
Urban Family has emerged as one of Seattle’s favorite Fruit Sour crafters, and this tropic punch is a testament to both their Sour expertise and Hop knowledge in one pucker-yummy dream.
A bounty of tropical hop aromas and sweet pineapple shine from the rim of your glass, transporting you to a folding chair on a Hawaiian beach. While Island Crusher boasts a sour character, tropical fruits reign supreme and bring a mellow sessionability to the bracing tartness. Crushed citrus flavors of orange and lemon couple beautifully with dry-hopped aromas of Amarillo’s grapefruit zest and Citra’s plump basket of passionfruit, melon and lychee. Pineapple sweetness comes through to temper the sour and hoppy elements, and Island Crusher finishes surprisingly dry for such a tropic juice monsoon.
Island Crusher will snap you out of those winter doldrums. Tip back a few and drift into a blissful beach doze -- with none of the sunburn.
77 Ratings