John Hands
Destination Unknown Beer Company
Bay Shore, NY

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A Note on This Beer
John’s Hands is named after DUBCO’s assistant brewer John M. Fraioli, who’s made his own Italian-style rainbow cookies every year for the past 2 decades.
And he deconstructed his own traditional recipe to create today’s limited-release, seasonal brew!
- A blend of cacao nibs and rich chocolate malts replicates the semi-sweet chocolate coating.
- ‘Copious amounts’ of almond paste recreate the Italian confection’s distinct nuttiness.
- ‘Hundreds of pounds’ of raspberry puree infuse the Stout with jammy notes.
- Finally, a touch of Madagascar vanilla pulls all the flavors together with a creamy finish.
Getting a can is basically like swinging by John’s house on baking day, right when he’s pulling his signature treats out of the oven! But unlike the cookies, this beer comes with an 11% ABV.
Of course, even if you trek over to Long Island, walk into Destination Unknown’s taproom, fall to your knees, and BEG, you won’t leave with any cans of this decadent dessert Stout. The brewers made just 130 cases, and it sold out in 2 days!
So, if you want to get a taste of this 4.15 UT-rated brew, you’d better order quick. I bet our little stash won’t last long. When it’s gone, John’s cookies will be the only way to taste all these flavors, and he doesn’t have enough to go around.
Rated 4.15 on Untappd
256 Ratings