Kentucky Christmas Morning (2020)
Hardywood Park Craft Brewery
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Perfect for the morning after Christmas too
Perfect beer to have on Christmas morning, loved the booziness
Not a fan
Hardywood is such a good brewery. Just buy and drink all their stuff
Very happy I got to try this one out super rich in taste great stout
Annoyingly thin... But very good flavor to it. Loved the Jack Daniels flavor to it
I expected a little more but still very good. Smell was graham cracker, spices, chocolate, bourbon and ginger! Taste was much of the same but some vanilla. Bourbon and coffee where very subtle. Heavy on the spices and ginger. Medium bodied + thin feel.
Good tasting beer, but had a little bit of dank cardboard in the background.
Look: deep dark (almost black) with small less that’s finger-width head that quickly disappears and no lacing. Smell: intense vanilla (almost like extract), bourbon, light gingerbread cookie. Taste: sweet on the front end, intense vanilla and light bourbon in the middle, end notes of light (old) coffee in the nose with a lasting vanilla For an 11% it hides the ABV well and there is no hoppy character. Feel: carbonation is light but sticks around, syrup(y-ish), thick and full mouthfeel. No drying at all. If you like BBS this is a nice beer. Not super syrupy or sticky, but definitely full flavor. The old coffee flavor is a nice after note that comes well after the BB, vanilla and gingerbread cookie. Out of all their gingerbread line, this is by far my favorite.
Thick lactose mouth feel.
look: 4.25 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.75 | overall: 4.5
2020 vintage:
Poured from a 1pint 9.4 ounce bottle into a tulip glass.
Look- Black, medium brown frothy head, below average lacing, average head retention.
Smell- Predominantly ginger, slight vanilla/coffee/bourbon.
Taste- Ginger, honey, mildly coffee, bourbon, cinnamon/vanilla finish.
Feel- Full body, syrup like, creamy, smooth, gentle carbonation, mouth warming/coating.
Overall- A ginger forward bourbon barrel aged milk stout with an outstanding feel. This was a delightful Christmas experience.
Got all of the bold flavors in a very balanced way. Loved the maple and coffee especially. Very smooth and easy to sip. Let this one age further for 15 months in the cellar.
perfectly balanced, gingerbread man in a glass with a nice splash of bourbon.