*Layered - Peach, Blueberry, Cinnamon, Marshmallow, Granola
Beer Tree Brew
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fruity and delicious!
Really delicious. Exactly as it was described. The granola came out well!
Very good. Creamy, fruity, and refreshing.
I mean, it delivers on its promises.
it wasn’t quite what I’d hoped it to be. I was hoping the flavors would be stronger & sweeter.
party in my mouth
Look: huge off white head that dissipated quickly leaving no head, no lacing, but a little puree on the side of the glass. The beer is a brownish orange. We let it sit for a minute and it settled almost immediately leaving a small one inch clear brown beer liquid on top and a heavy settling of fruit and malt with small white speckles of puree.
Smell: sweet, some sour, malt notes, small amounts of floral hops. Smell layers of candy like granola, faint note of peach.
Taste: sour but not a pucker factor sour. we get the granola up front, no cinnamon which is interesting since it is the first ingredient listed. Peach notes in the nose with some earthy blueberry. Trailing notes of sweet candy. No real hop presence even though you get it on the nose in the smell. The 6.7% ABV is well hidden. We got no booze at all.
Feel: for a thick looking beer this was light, refreshing and easy to drink. There was no bitterness in the feel and given that it looked thick, it had a medium to light body and feel.
Interesting beer. For a kettle sour it is not sour at all. If you say the beer has cinnamon (first ingredient) it better taste like it, this misses that, the heavy granola and the peach… you have to reach for all of those and I am certain if I didn't have the can in front of me I wouldn’t had gotten any of those flavors. Still thought, this is an easy drink and we are happy we got it, probably wouldn’t drink a second though.
Not gonna lie, I was a bit toasted when I cracked open this bad boy, but I do remember thinking it was delicious. Would buy again.
really enjoyed this paired well with steak