Le Fruited Series: White Peaches
White Rooster Farmhouse Brewery
Sparta, IL

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A Note on This Beer
Ever eat a Saturn peach? Sometimes called “donut” peaches, these stubby, chubby little fruit darlings pack more sweetness and more nectar character than your average stonefruit. The sour fiends at Illinois’ White Rooster Farmhouse Brewery pack a plethora of these fruits into their tart AF Le Fruited Series: White Peaches Sour Ale.
Scorching through sour palates and Untappd with an incredible 4.38 score, Sour fans are smitten with White Peaches. Some compare its fruity, sour intensity to Smarties candies, while others, like @rags086 are making it a mainstay in their lives, not letting a kid’s party stop them from enjoying the Sour: “1 year old birthday party, at least I have a mule to bring me White Rooster beer!”
With nearly twice the sweetness, Saturn peaches are dense nectar bombs that drive this Golden Sour’s tropical tartness. The Sour zinger hits you up from the get go, while peach flavor comes out in the finish. The pucker dominates the experience like a peach whiskey sour cocktail on overdrive, with hints of oak arising in the close.
With fan reactions ranging from “Awesome,” “Wow,” and “These guys are killing it,” White Rooster’s White Peaches is fast becoming one of Illinois’ must-try Sours (living in the same state as Une Annee, no less.) From the remnants of an old Kroger grocery store, one of America’s up and coming breweries is treating Illinois to some of the finest fruited Sours -- now it’s your turn to pucker up for peaches!
4.38 on Untappd
417 Ratings