Lemon Lime Turbo Shandy Citrus Ale
Hoppin' Frog Brewery
Akron, OH

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A Note on This Beer
Mix artisan limeade with lemon-flavored Pellegrino, spike it with booze, and you’ll get a taste of today’s 7% ABV Lemon Lime Turbo Shandy Citrus Ale. The award-winning Hoppin’ Frog delights us again with today’s expertly balanced lemon-lime quencher that outboozes others in its’ style.
This Turbo Shandy is clean, sweet, and unfathomably refreshing. Its fruity crushability perches adroitly upon an biscuity Pilsner-like base. With extreme drinkability and high ABV, this is more than your everyday Shandy. Like other shandies, it’s the perfect companion for your summertime adventures. Alas, we offer a few precautions:
-Do have something comfortably horizontal nearby, like a leather loveseat with double hand/foot reclining functions. Why? After a can or two you’ll end up laying down, in a state of ultimate summer relaxation.
-Don’t try to mow the lawn. We know, we know -- we like mowing the lawn with a delicious cool brew, too. Heed our warning or you’ll accidentally cut a yard critter in half-- “frog legs for dinner, hon!”
-Do host a big backyard bash with all your friends and serve this -- only this! Even the Grinch would make a grab for this perky summer Radler!
We love citrus-infused Shandies. We love Imperial Ales. And now we’ve discovered something we really love: a boozy Lemon-Lime Turbo Shandy that’s more crushable than our wildest dreams.
Rated 4.09 on Untappd; 4.0 on BeerAdvocate
122 Ratings