Matame Ahorita
Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales
Dexter, MI

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A Note on This Beer
The collaborations between Anchorage Brewing Co. and Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales are like crack candy to adventurous beer drinkers and Wild Ale fans. Their creations epitomize all the ingenuity and skill - not to mention flavor - that these two beer gurus are known for. Their latest is Matame Ahorita- an Oak Aged Wild Alaska Fruit Beer brewed with Alaskan sea salt and fermented with wild blueberries and apples.
Two years in the making, this flavor spectacle is as close to capturing the wild, untethered spirit of Alaska as you can get - it’s been described as a fruity-sour-salty dream. Observe:
Ahorita pours a deep ruby with very little head, appearing almost like fruit juice. A whiff of fresh fruits augmented with complex oak aromatics proves it’s so much more. The first sip yields a layered and intriguing flavor profile: blueberries and apples flash bright on the tongue, but then a wave of woody oak washes away the sweetness. The salinity of Hoonah Alaskan sea salt brings a gust of brine to Ahorita’s sour-sweet interplay, only enhancing its sparkling fruit qualities.
Anchorage’s innovative Wild Ales paired with Jolly Pumpkin’s world-class barrel-aging prowess create unparalleled beers, and Matame Ahorita is no exception. Grab a bottle for a taste of Wild Alaska.
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