Matryoshka (2023) with Mexican Vanilla Bean
Fort George Brewery
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About This Beer
When you open up a bottle of Matryoshka (2023) with Mexican Vanilla Bean, the first thing you’ll notice is a smaller bottle inside — just kidding! Nothing is gonna prevent you from enjoying the full 500ml of velvety goodness. But in some ways, this stunning sipper is ACTUALLY a bit like Russian nesting dolls. Each sip unveils a new layer in its sublime depth of flavor.
Tasting Notes
It opens up with rich vanilla from actual additions of Mexican Vanilla beans. Just beneath that are ripples of roasty malts, chocolate ganache, and dried dates. Following the silky smooth finish, you’ll find sophisticated whispers of barrel char and warming whiskey from time spent aging in bourbon barrels.
Noteworthy Ingredients
Bourbon Barrels
Vanilla Bean
very good vanilla flavor, but surprisingly thin.