Mosaic Nerd
Separatist Beer Project
Philadelphia , PA

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A Note on This Beer
Mosaic of Flavor: Brewed with 6 lbs of Mosaic Hops per barrel, every sip is jam-packed with flavors of candied pineapples, drippy mangoes, and a flash of fresh pine. Mouthfeel & More: Silky smooth, well-rounded, and totally thirst-quenching.
Over in Philly, the brewmasters at Separatist Beer Project draw a devout following among the region’s hop hunters.
So, it’s no surprise that when Mosaic Nerd first dropped, beer dweebs posted ISOs all over the brewery’s Instagram, offering to trade their Treehouse, Trillium, and Other Half just to lay hands on a can!
Fans congregate en masse like cosplayers at Comic-Con every time Separatist drops a new juicebomb. And leading the juicy, hop-fruity panel today is this 4.16 UT-rated brew.
It’s the first single-hopped take on the beer Separatist calls their “most perfectly designed IPA yet!” and it’s always at the top of customers’ request lists from Separatist.
But the chance of actually snagging this 7.5% ABV citrus-blasted treat only pops up once a year.
So unless you’re somewhere near the City of Brotherly Love, the odds of landing your own one-on-one with Mosaic Nerd are next-to-none!
So score yourself a stash of Mosaic Nerd here while it’s still around! Once this convention of pineapple juice and terpy dankness comes to town, you’ll want to charge all your geeky beer buds a cover if they want a taste.
Rated 4.16 on Untappd; 90/100 on BeerAdvocate
Packaged On December 19th, 2019
141 Ratings