Now More Than Ever
Aslin Beer Company
Alexandria, VA

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About This Beer
Parenting is hard! Even if you’re not a parent yourself, you’ve probably watched friends cope with mealtime messes, temper tantrums, or battles of will over the car keys.
It can be especially difficult for those of us living across the country from our relatives, or who have small communities or differently shaped families. Who do you turn to when the going gets tough?
For the fourth year in a row, Aslin Beer Company is partnering with DC nonprofit Rainbow Families to bring you Now More Than Ever, a seriously crushable Double IPA that’s just in time for Pride. The proceeds help Rainbow Families provide resources, education, and support to LGBTQ+ families and parents-to-be.
Tasting Notes
Aslin loaded this heavenly Haze up with Citra and Sabro Hops for mouthfuls of grapefruit, tangerine, and pineapple, complemented with creamy coconut and refreshing notes of cedar and mint. It’s sure to be a crowd pleaser at any family potluck or block party.
Noteworthy Ingredients
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