Nut Crusher Peanut Butter Porter
Wild Ride Brewing
Redmond, OR

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A Note on This Beer
*Psst!* Step into my beer cellar for a minute and shut the door behind you. I normally don’t talk about the price of beer, because — let’s be honest — nerds like you and me will scrape together whatever it takes to get our beloved craft.
But today, I want to let you in on a killer bang-for-your-buck brew: Wild Ride Nut Crusher Peanut Butter Porter.
This beer won Gold at last year’s Best Of Craft Beer Awards, making it an absolute steal! We never get peanut butter beers for this price! Hell, we rarely get any Dark Beers this affordable.
Love peanut butter? Who doesn’t?! Only those unfortunate souls with peanut allergies can turn it down.
So, here’s your chance to grab a whole box full of an easy-drinking Nutter Butter mudslide Porter and still not break the bank. One to share with your friends, and a few for yourself.
I know how it goes for a lot of our members. The light beer drinkers get all the cheaper stuff, while the Stout and Porter fiends are stuck with buying only a bottle or two of their favorites at once. It might be the first time, and it may also be the ONLY time we get to indulge in peanut butter beer on a budget.
I’m already filling my crate, are you?
107 Ratings