Coppertail Brewing Company
Tampa, FL

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A Note on This Beer
It’s time to trim down your Lederhosen into shorty shorts and rip off those sleeves, because today we’re in Tampa raging at HOTtoberfest with Coppertail’s Oktoberfest Marzen! A stein full of this crisp, toasted caramelly brew is the best way to cool off and party on.
Fun Under da Tampa Sun: Every year Coppertail hosts a raucous all-day Oktoberfest Celebration. Everyone does the polka, eats bratwursts, and plays games. And of course, drinks endless liters of this uber-refreshing Marzen! It’s Tampa‘Tober Time!
Bavaria via Tampa: This is as close as you can get to an authentic German-made Marzen. Coppertail uses Vienna and Munich Malts and spicy-floral Noble Hops. Every drop screams OKTOBERFEST: toasty grains, spicy hops, a touch of savory nuttiness, and a pop of bright orange zest. Aaaaand I’m ready for another!
Life of da Florida Party: Coppertail’s home in Tampa is the cornerstone of Florida’s craft movement, with other hot breweries like Cigar City and Angry Chair just down the road. Plus, Germans make up the largest group of European ancestry in the city, so Tampa knows how to get properly Frankfurted up. We be Prostin’ ‘til the sunrise!
Tis’ the season! The only place you’ll find this celebratory Coppertail brew is Tampa -- or at the Oktoberfest you’ll throw in your backyard. Tell your friends to bring their Steins and rowdy Fest attire, because we’re throwin’ down Tampa-style, and it’s gon’ get muggy up in here. Luckily we’ve got just the beer to keep us going ‘til November.
Packaged On 8/8/2018
163 Ratings