Rackhouse Reserve (2020)
Alesong Brewing & Blending
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A Note on This Beer
Today’s barrel-aged Rackhouse Reserve captures the full range of Alesong’s GABF award-winning brewing power AND their masterful mixologist-esque blending.
First, the brewing: The skilled crew crafted a variety of base Ales, which they aged in unique spirit barrels for up to 18 months. Today’s Strong Ale derives from Ales aged in 6 year Woodford Reserve Bourbon, 6 year Four Roses Bourbon, and 4 through 10 year Heaven Hill Bourbon barrels.
Next, the blending: The brewers spent hours mixing their collection of barrel-aged wonders, blending and fine-tuning the proportions. They let their refined palates guide them, pinpointing the most delicious combination possible.
The divine result is today’s rich, 12% ABV dark chocolate flavored sipper, dappled with warm, barrel-aged notes. Toasted marshmallow and creamy caramel swirl into a hint of spiced Whiskey oak.
Every sip is rich and alluring, the kind of artfully-crafted Ale that deserves a snifter and your full attention — the type of special brew you’ll remember long after the last drop’s gone.
Alesong’s won an astounding 8 GABF medals!
Tavour strictly supports independent beer. Alesong Brewing and Blending is certified independent by the Brewers Association