Scary Stories
Ursula Brewery
Aurora, CO

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A Note on This Beer
Put the kids to bed and curl up by the fire, because I’m about to tell you a spooky tale of the macabre! A story about loss, terror, and an Imperial Porter that’s absolutely loaded with cocoa nibs, marshmallow, and graham cracker goodness.
The other night, I awoke in a cold sweat just after 2 AM. I heard footsteps in the hall and a door slam, and I sat up bolt straight, my heart pounding.
Slowly, I peeled back the blankets and crept out of bed. As I stepped into the hallway, I noticed a strange glow coming from the kitchen. Inch by inch, I tiptoed towards the unearthly light, the hair on the back of my neck standing on end.
When I finally got to the doorway, I peered around the corner and screamed!
It wasn’t a ghoul, or a goblin, or a guy with a chainsaw. No — what greeted me was far worse: my fridge door was hanging open, the light on, and all my Scary Stories Imperial S’more Porter was GONE!
Suddenly, I awoke with a shriek. It was all a dream! This year’s Scary Stories hadn’t even been released yet! I pulled the covers up tight and tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t because I was plagued by visions of an empty fridge.
See, Colorado’s Urusula Brewing doesn’t have enough of this beloved autumn Porter to go around, which means it’s only available in the taproom! So unless you’re planning a trip to the Mile High City, you’re out of luck.
The horror! Where am I supposed to get all the real marshmallow and graham cracker I crave? The chocolaty goodness of toasted cocoa nibs? The creamy smoothness of vanilla beans? The warming 13% ABV on those chilly autumn nights?
I resolved right then and there to haul ass to Denver to secure a supply of Scary Stories. Not just for me — for all of us!
And I’m proud to say I succeeded! Today, you can grab a bottle of Scary Stories and avoid the fright of missing out. You can enjoy its ooey-gooey rich n’ roasty s’more flavors while you sit by the fire at home, no marshmallow roasting-stick required.
Packaged On September 11th, 2019
155 Ratings