Science of Selling Creamsicles
Destination Unknown Beer Company
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A Note on This Beer
Ice Cream Indulgence: The scoopers, er… brewers, at Destination Unknown use hefty additions of juicy orange, velvety vanilla, and creamy lactose in today's creamsicle-like brew! Melty Mouthfeel: Each succulent sip is as silky smooth as soft serve, with just a small, lip-smacking bite of citrus rind on the finish.
I grew up with five (yes, five) siblings. You better believe anytime the fridge was stocked with a fresh stack of luscious orange ‘n’ cream popsicles, the entire batch went QUICK.
So, when ten-year-old me discovered a crisp five-dollar bill on the sidewalk one afternoon, I went straight to the supermarket ice cream aisle! It took me less than 20 minutes to wolf down an entire box of creamsicles, and man oh man, brain freeze never felt so worth it.
I still have a thing for creamsicles. Only, today’s hoard-worthy, drippy delight — Science of Selling Creamsicles Milkshake IPA — comes not from a chilly store freezer, but from the award-winning brewers at Destination Unknown.
These guys know how to craft an IPA that swirls with citrus-nectar. They won Silver in the IPA category at the 2019 New York State Craft Beer Competition!
I’ve still never told my siblings about my sneaky, frozen sugar treat feast all those years ago, and I probably won’t tell them about today’s Science of Selling Creamsicles. I’m hoarding at least a few cans of this limited delicacy all to myself. Though this time, I’ll try to savor it more slowly to avoid brain freeze!
Packaged On October 22nd, 2020