Seattle Sunshine Hazy Pale
Hellbent Brewing Company
Seattle, WA

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A Note on This Beer
I’m stuck between a rock and a hard-to-put-down brew!
If you’ve ever been a devoted fan, then you can understand my pain. My favorite new local Hazy Pale Ale is dedicated to a sports team I’ve been rooting against for over 20 years.
Imagine you were a die-hard Red Sox fan, and then the Yankees announced they were giving away free money — but only if you cheered for them. Or, picture being a Coca-Cola fan all of your life, only to have Pepsi come out with a new version that makes your tongue dance when you sip it.
That’s the dilemma I’m faced with. I have two options: stick to my guns and never enjoy another sip of Hellbent’s dank, hop-kissed mango lemonade ECS Seattle Sunshine — or, load up on as many cans as I can snag, and drink them alone while hiding in my closet.
You know what? I think I’ll just cover myself from head-to-toe in my favorite team’s apparel while I drink it. That way, if anyone catches me drinking this delicious juice banger, they’ll know it’s 100% because of the flavor and not the fan support.
*ECS is the Seattle Sounders soccer team supporters’ group. They have as intense of a rivalry with the Portland Timbers as the Lakers had with the Celtics or even the Green Bay Packers with the Chicago Bears.
Packaged On September 28th, 2020
1538 Ratings