Side Pull
Fair State Brewing Cooperative
Minneapolis, MN

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About This Beer
Pouring a Lager with a Czech-style side pull tap makes for a smoother, crisper body and a fluffier head. But it’s unlikely that you have one at your house.
Luckily, Fair State teamed up with the classic style specialists at Bierstadt to replicate the delicious crushability of an authentic Side Pull Czech Lager right out of the can! Just crack it open, and pour vigorously into your favorite pint glass for a big, foamy head.
Tasting Notes
As it froths up, you’ll be treated to aromas of bread dough and gentle floral notes thanks to 100% Czech-grown ingredients. Take a sip, and the flavor follows the nose — a touch of honey-drizzled toast and slightly spicy floral notes from old-world hops.
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