Spruce IPA 2021: A Spruce Odyssey
Best of Hands Barrelhouse
Seattle, WA

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A Note on This Beer
2001: A Space Odyssey is an epic journey that weaves between eccentric and surreal, and it sticks with you long after the space baby appears and the credits roll.
Today’s 2021: A Spruce Odyssey offers a much more down-to-earth adventure. Like the Stanley Kubricks of beer, the creative Best of Hands Barrelhouse team brewed this IPA with spruce tips for resinous bursts of pine!
They also hopped the brew with Citra and Azacca to rocket the palate through quenching, fruit-forward complexity. Juicy mango, lush tangerine, and piquant cherry flavors come in waves, leading to a lingering, lusciously bittersweet finish of evergreen and candied citrus.
Unlike the cult-followed movie the beer is named after, few people have actually gotten their hands on Spruce Odyssey. Thanks to their tiny batch sizes and community-focused West Seattle location, this is actually the first Best of Hands beer I’ve been able to get a stash of. And, I live just 30 minutes away!
Which means, you Tavoursters are getting a sneak preview of these rising Pacific Northwest hop masters before many of my fellow Seattlites.
And let me say, stocking up on extra cans is a good idea. With these pine ‘n fruit flavors, I might just be refreshed enough to give Kubrick’s 2-hour, 44-minute movie another watch.
Opening in 2019, Best of Hands is a newer star on the Seattle craft map. Its owners Gregory Marlor, Nicholas Marianetti, and Chris Richardson are longtime beer industry pros with a focus on locally-sourced ingredients.
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