Steam Train
Snoqualmie Falls Brewing Company
Snoqualmie, WA

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A Note on This Beer
If you like roasted malts, big flavors and drinkability in one package, nothing beats the traditional-style Porter. But in the fast-paced, innovative landscape of craft beer, tradition can be hard to find.
Today, tradition is coming down the mountain. In Snoqualmie, WA, Snoqualmie Falls Brewing Company makes Steam Train, an elusive traditional-style Porter that stands as one of Washington’s best. If you want evidence of its greatness, just turn to Beer Advocate, where Steam Train has earned an unbeatable (literally) score of 100 from the BROS and a world-class rating from the masses.
Why such high ratings? Steam Train combines silky-smooth chocolate notes with decadent coffee and dark malts roasted to perfection. It’s the archetype for the Porter, the beer that unites every ingredient together in delicious, drinkable matrimony. Steam Train achieves full, refined coffee and chocolate notes that most Porters don’t even approach, with or without the use of adjuncts.
Steam Train Porter pours a near pitch-black in the glass, leaving behind a gorgeous tan head and dazzling red highlights. The aroma is pure Porter nirvana--rich Italian espresso, creamy vanilla, dark chocolate, gentle caramel and delightfully charred roasted malts. Steam Train orients the palate to ideal Porter flavors, beginning first by balancing dry char and smooth vanilla. A slight hop bitterness gives way to espresso notes and silky chocolate that keeps chugging along to the finish. Nutty flavors ride the rails at the end, tying together a slick, easy-drinking and smoother-than-smooth Porter.
Exclusive to Tavour in the Golden State, Steam Train isn’t just another great Porter. It’s the beer that reminds us why we need the Porter in our lives.
91 on Beer Advocate, 90 on Rate Beer.
3972 Ratings