Sweet Potato Ale
Vault Brewing Company
Yardley, PA

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A Note on This Beer
Craft fans are an adventurous bunch. We choose beers and styles that push the boundaries of convention. We roam bottle shops, our eyes lingering on brews with unique ingredients. And when we set out to make an impression, we always go with the unusual -- just like the folks at Vault Brewing.
When the Pennsylvania brewers first opened their doors in the fall of 2012, Pumpkin Beer season was in full swing. What’s a brand new brewery to do when they want a seasonal flagship brew that stands out from the crowd? Use sweet potatoes!
And as it turns out, people love the potato!
As soon as September rolls ‘round each year, locals shirk Pumpkin pours in favor of a pint of Vault’s annual classic-with-a-twist, their Sweet Potato Ale. So, being the adventurous souls we are, we couldn’t wait to get a taste!
Sweet Potato Ale is the cooler cousin to Pumpkin beer -- loaded with 2lbs of sweet potatoes per barrel, this seasonal sipper is built on a light, nutty malt body. Aromas of vanilla and cinnamon echo fall flavors familiar to the orange gourd, but with a delicate sweetness and a 6.5% ABV that’s deliciously crushable.
At Tavour we’re constantly searching for brews that defy expectations, and Vault’s flagship Sweet Potato Ale has us stoked on sippin’ the rest of their libation lineup.
*Brewer’s Note: Sweet Potato Ale is best enjoyed when poured vigorously into your favorite glass.
Packaged On September 10th, 2018
6280 Ratings