The Castaway: Painkiller (2020)
Martin House Brewing Company
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A Note on This Beer
If you’ve been on the app for a while, there’s a good chance you’ve encountered a Fruited Sour that’s reminiscent of a painkiller cocktail in all its luscious pineapple, orange and coconut tropicality. But, a Rum barrel-aged rendition that clocks in at a buzzing 9.6% ABV?
That’s a rare find, indeed!
This scrumptious fruit bomb comes from the creative minds at Martin House, who stuffed it full of real orange, pineapple, and coconut purées. And, while they could have stopped at that level of painkiller-flavored deliciousness, they also aged it in freshly-emptied rum barrels for three months!
The barrel aging adds even more island-inspired complexity, with notes of molasses and woody vanilla punctuating each sip. If something in your fridge is missing for the coming summer months, you’re looking at.
*The tropical sipper comes in a collectible 2-can box with custom artwork!
Tavour strictly supports independent beer. Martin House Brewing is certified independent by the Brewers Association