A Note on This Beer
When it comes to IPAs in the Northwest, Fort George is the brewery that’s influenced a whole generation of upcoming hopheads. Their hoppy brews are so tasty that every year all the other hop-forward breweries in the area like Melvin, Reuben’s and Great Notion court them for a chance at a collab.
Ready your tastebuds for vigorous grapefruity hop stimulation as Fort George’s Vortex transports your palate to a state of juicy lupulin ecstasy. This citrus tornado is one of their O.G. hop fan-favorites. We’re spinning with excitement to get our hands on this again for the first time in over a year!
Vortex glows invitingly with a rich orange hue. Thick waves of mangoes, tangerines, pine, and grapefruit radiate from the glass. Discover a whole ship of hoppy treasure as each sip releases Simcoe, Amarillo, and Cascade hops flavor so rich it becomes earthy, herbal, and smooth.. Citrus and tropical fruits bound over fields of coniferous resin. These intense hops slowly give-way to a balanced caramelly conclusion.
Normally we try to avoid a natural disaster, but Vortex is one of those flavor hurricanes you’ll happily throw yourself into whenever the opportunity arises. Don’t sleep on this one, this storm will pass quick.
Canned on 11/29/17
4.06 BeerAdvocate
285 Ratings